Programación y otros cachivaches


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curiosidad: una mesa interactiva con LEDS

Desde esta página: evilmadscientist.com podemos aprender como funciona y contruye una mesa interactiva con LEDS.

ARVE Error: id and provider shortcodes attributes are mandatory for old shortcodes. It is recommended to switch to new shortcodes that need only url

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diseñando el indicador de «loading»

desde esta página:


puedes diseñar tu propio indicador de «loading» tipo AJAX. Bueno, dicen que es para el tema de Ajax aunque ahora tambien se está poniendo de moda en aplicaciones de escritorio.

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cloakMYURL , Ultimate Unblock , Instant Unblock

cloakMYURL is your 100% free online proxy service. Feel free to tell your family and friends! The purpose of this service is to allow you a legal and free method to access sites you might not normally be able to, not for legal reasons but possible bad network settings. This proxy service is not intended for illegal usage, it is intended for privacy and the other many legal reasons people would use a proxy server. Some may not want websites to track your activity, proxies might help stop spyware, allow you to log into pages like Myspace.com and Bebe.
Ultimate Unblock is the only website that lets you watch Y o u T u b e videos and play games on arcade sites, even if they are blocked at your school or workplace. Other website unblockers will let you visit sites like You.Tube, but they do not have the technology we do that lets you watch videos. If you don’t need to unblock videos or arcade games, I recommend using Instant Unblock. This site is best for unblocking video websites, but Instant Unblock is better for unblocking all other websites.

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bots y captcha

No sabia cómo se llamaban a el sistema que previene el que una máquina se haga pasar por un humano (tambien llamado bots): al parecer se llama captcha:

aqui está el artículo en la Wikipedia que explica mejor que yo de qué se trata.